Creating Spacewalk Data Files

There are several ways to create a Spacewalk Binary File (.sw). Choose the method that best matches your source data:

From CSV Data

If your data is in CSV format with columns for genomic positions and 3D coordinates, you can use our interactive notebook:

Open In Colab

The notebook guides you through:

  1. Loading your CSV data
  2. Formatting genomic positions and spatial coordinates
  3. Creating a properly structured .sw file
  4. Validating the output

Example input CSV format:


From Legacy Format

If you have data in the legacy Spacewalk Text format (.swt), use the swt2sw conversion tool:

  1. Install the tool:
    pip install git+
    pip install git+
  2. Convert your file:
    • For Ball & Stick data:
      swt2sw -f input.swt -n output -single-point
    • For Point Cloud data:
      swt2sw -f input.swt -n output -multi-point

Using HDF5 Directly

For advanced users who want to create .sw files programmatically:

import h5py
import numpy as np

# Create file
with h5py.File('output.sw', 'w') as f:
    # Add header
    header = f.create_group('header')
    header.attrs['format'] = 'sw'
    header.attrs['genome'] = 'hg38'
    header.attrs['pointtype'] = 'SINGLE_POINT'  # or 'MULTI_POINT'

    # Add genomic positions
    genomic = f.create_group('genomic_position')
    regions = np.array([
        ['chr1', 1000000, 2000000],
        ['chr1', 2000000, 3000000]
    genomic.create_dataset('regions', data=regions)

    # Add spatial positions
    spatial = f.create_group('spatial_position')
    xyz = np.array([
        [0.5, 1.2, 3.4],
        [1.5, 2.2, 4.4]
    spatial.create_dataset('t_0', data=xyz)

File Validation

After creating your .sw file:

  1. Use myHDF5 to inspect the file structure
  2. Check that all required groups and attributes are present
  3. Verify genomic positions are properly sorted
  4. Ensure spatial coordinates match your expectations

Common Issues

  • Missing Header Attributes: Ensure all required attributes (format, genome, pointtype) are set
  • Unsorted Regions: Genomic regions must be sorted by start position
  • Mismatched Counts: Number of spatial positions must match genomic regions for single-point data
  • Invalid Genome ID: Use standard genome identifiers (e.g., hg38, mm10)

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