Spacewalk Documentation

Spacewalk is an interactive 3D visualization application for super-resolution microscopy data, featuring seamless integration with IGV genomics browser and Juicebox Hi-C map viewer.

Launch Spacewalk Application

Try It Now

Spacewalk is hosted at Aiden Lab. Launch the app by clicking here.

Experience Spacewalk immediately with these demos:

  • Ball & Stick Demo
    Chromatin centroids are rendered as balls, each colored according to its genomic location. Sticks (cylinders) connect the balls in the order they appear along the genomic range.

  • Point Cloud Demo
    The point cloud is rendered as a collection of 3D point clusters, each point cluster corresponds to a specific genomic extent and is colored according to the genomic location of that extent.


Spacewalk enables scientists to:

  • Visualize and explore 3D genomic structures
  • Interact with super-resolution microscopy data
  • Connect genomic coordinates with spatial organization
  • Analyze chromatin folding patterns

Quick Start

  1. Launch Spacewalk
  2. Use the File dropdown menu to load your 3D structure
  3. Explore your data through our interactive viewers:
    • 3D Structure Viewer
    • Hi-C Map Viewer
    • Genomic Track Viewer

For detailed instructions and features, visit our User Guide.

Example Visualization

point cloud render style

Example of Spacewalk’s Point Cloud visualization mode showing 3D genomic structure