
HiC contact matrix visualization

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OAuth is an industry standard framework that enables secure access to protected resources without exposing the user’s credentials to third party applications, such as juicebox. To access protected resources the user first authenticates by signing into an OAuth provider, such as Google, Dropbox, or a private OAuth server, and grants the application (e.g. juicebox) permission to access resources the user has been granted permission to access. This permission is granted via an encrypted access token returned to the calling application. This token is then added to an Authorization: bearer header for all requests for the protected resource, and used by the server to check permissions.

juicebox.js supports the OAuth II standard, used by many public cloud providers such as Google and Dropbox as well as private intranets. User authentication is typically supported by adding a sign-in button for the OAuth provider (e.g. Google) to the website hosting juicebox, then using one of the options below to pass the access token to juicebox.js


Set the oauthToken parameter of the file config object to a function. The function will be called whenever the token is needed.

     "name": "HCT-116 Cohesin Loss",
     "url": "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U3jILxkRH4EC_TzJ4H8jbU6o36eUfMoa",
     "oauthToken": getOautToken


Set the oauthToken parameter of the file config object to the access token value.

     "name": "HCT-116 Cohesin Loss",
     "url": "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U3jILxkRH4EC_TzJ4H8jbU6o36eUfMoa",
     "oauthToken": "F0jh9korTyzd9kaZqZ0SzjKZuS3ut0i4P46Lc52m2JYHiLIcqzFAumpyxshU9mMQ13gJHtxD2fy"

For more information on oAuth support in juicebox see


For an example webpage implementing oAuth support for Google Drive storage see examples/website/oAuth.html.